繁體版 English Definition
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words of one syllable中文是什么意思

用"words of one syllable"造句"words of one syllable"怎么读"words of one syllable" in a sentence


  • 简单明了的话


  • John explained the job to me in words of one syllable so that i would be sure to understand
  • Alien explained the job to ann in words of one syllable so that she would be sure to understand
  • Some people say that peter is cute and mischievous but in words of one syllable , but in words of one syllable , he ' s just a brat
  • Let him say lie was , in so much as a word of one syllable , and i ll either catch hold of his throat and choke him for half a guinea ; mr . cruncher dwelt upon this as quite a liberal offer ; or i ll out and announce him
    只要他敢说他进了,我就拿半克朗打赌,一定要抓住他的喉咙掐死他, ”克朗彻先生把这看作是一种宽容的建议, “否则我就出门去告发他。 ”
用"words of one syllable"造句  
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